Enhancing Communication Skills

African Based Consultants for Development [ABCD] PLC and Abay Bank S.C. have entered into a contractual agreement as of December 20, 2016, to provide comprehensive training services on communication skills at various locations.

As per the agreement, ABCD PLC, through its assigned trainer, successfully delivered Communication Skills training to the staff of Abay Bank in Addis Ababa, Dessie, and Bahir Dar.

Communication Skills 1

Duration: Feb. 6-8, 2016 Participants: 22 Venue: Dessie Feedback Assessment Result: 94.21%

Communication Skills 2

Duration: Dec. 9-11, 2016 Participants: 28 Venue: Dessie Feedback Assessment Result: 97.80%

Communication Skills 3

Duration: Feb. 13-15, 2017 Participants: 19 Venue: Addis Ababa Feedback Assessment Result: 96.15%

Communication Skills 4

Duration: Feb. 20-22, 2017 Participants: 36 Venue: Bahir Dar Feedback Assessment Result: 99.63%

Enhancing Communication Skills


Abay Bank S.C.

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